June, 2017 - Where to find GL Computing on Social Media |
 For more information on GL Computing and Mike Lazarus as well as some great
resources for keep up to date on the latest ACT! information, you should check
out these links and communities:
February, 2013 - ACT! Users Celebrate: Sage sells ACT! & SalesLogix to Swiftpage |
To read about how it might effect you, see this GL Computing Blog article |
February, 2013 - What the ACT! Fanatics think of Mike Lazarus |
On hearing about the sale of ACT! from Sage to Swiftpage, there were a number of threads stared similar to this one in the LinkedIn ACT! Fanatics Group.
I am amazed, stunned, honoured and humbled at this out-pouring of respect. Having worked in every aspect of the channel, except the vendor, in the 25+ years supporting ACT! - I would make myself available if Swiftpage decided they could utilise my knowledge and skill-set.
Thank you all |
May, 2012 - Handheld Contact welcomes Android users |
Our Handheld Contact Professional Edition app for Android is now available. View and manage your Sage ACT! contacts, activities, calendar, notes, history items, and more from our feature-rich Android app. And all Handheld Contact mobile device apps securely store your Sage ACT! data on the mobile device, so you can continue working with it even if you're out of WiFi or mobile network range.
January, 2012 - First Certified ACT! Genius at Experts-Exchange |
 GL Computing's Mike Lazarus has become the first
Certified ACT! Genius
March, 2011 - Sage ACT!'s first Community Development Partner |
After surpassing 10,000 support posts on Sage's Community Site, Sage North America invited GL Computing's Mike Lazarus be the very first
Sage ACT! Community Development Partner |
January, 2011 - Awards and honors for 2010 |
 GL Computing received the following awards and honours for supporting the
ACT! community during 2010:
July, 2009 - New Subgroups for ACT! Fanatics on LinkedIN |
 New sub-groups have been created under the LinkedIn
ACT! Fanatics
Group. The new subgroups include sub-groups available to all members: ACT!
add-ons, ACT! and Social Media, Sales and Marketing for ACT! users. As well as
some that will require approval: ACT! Resellers and the ACT! International
Advisory Council.
To join our professional subgroups, visit the
ACT! Fanatics group and
go to the "Subgroups" tab. |
July, 2009 - Handheld Contact Announces New Editions including a FREE sync service |
 Handheld Contact has released two new wireless syncing solutions for ACT! and Windows Mobile smart phones and Pocket PC devices - Basic and Entry. Unlike the current version of Handheld Contact (now renamed Handheld
Contact Professional), these new versions sync ACT! Contacts and
Calendar (Basic Edition only) to the contact list and calendar on the phone all wirelessly, no cables.
In addition, Windows Mobile devices can now support up to 15,000 contacts
For more information, see:
January, 2009 - GL Computing wins Experts Exchange Titan Award 2008 |
Experts-Exchange announced today that The Titan Award for the highest percentage of support points earned in an Experts-Exchange Zone was awarded to GL Computing. Obviously, their ACT! Zone.
For more information see this GL Computing blog article |
December, 2008 - Question for ACT! users with QuickBooks |
ACT! users with QuickBooks accounting, please see this
blog article and
respond by a
comment or send a message from the
Contact Page here
November, 2008 - New Handeld Contact releases support Custom Activity Types and 64-bit |
Now available - new releases for the desktop console and both clients. Major changes include support for ACT!'s Custom Activity Types and 64-bit operating systems. After updating, you will need to re-send all data to the device.
More information available on the
GL Computing Blog |
September, 2008 - The new, Bold, ACT! 2009 |
As a special promotion for the launch of
ACT! 2009 - Sage and GL
Computing, together with Optus Business Direct, have put together a fantastic
opportunity for new and upgrading users in Australia to get ACT! 2009 with
Handheld Contact and a
Blackberry Bold at a special price.
For more information, see this
Sage end-user email |
August, 2008 - Handheld Contact for the new ACT! by Sage 2009 (11.0) |
In line with it's policy to support new ACT! versions on release, J2X Technologies Inc, today announced that Handheld Contact supports the new ACT! 2009 contact and customer management product family from Sage Software. The solution allows users to access and manage their complete ACT! databases remotely using wireless synchronization and one-click drop-down menus that simplify data entry, editing, and sales management tasks for on-the-go professionals.
Handheld Contact enables two-way, wireless syncing of contact and customer data between a user's ACT! software and a BlackBerry, Pocket PC, or Treo smart phone.
Handheld Contact suport all versions 2005-2009 - Standard, Premium and Premium for Web
For more information, please see this Press Release |
August, 2008 - Handheld Contact for the new ACT! by Sage 2009 (11.0) |
In line with its policy to support new ACT! versions on release, J2X Technologies Inc, today announced that Handheld Contact supports the new ACT! 2009 contact and customer management product family from Sage Software. The solution allows users to access and manage their complete ACT! databases remotely using wireless synchronization and one-click drop-down menus that simplify data entry, editing, and sales management tasks for on-the-go professionals.
Handheld Contact enables two-way, wireless syncing of contact and customer data between a user's ACT! software and a BlackBerry, Pocket PC, or Treo smartphone.
Handheld Contact support all versions 2005-2009 - Standard, Premium and Premium for Web |
August, 2008 - New ACT! by Sage 2009 (11.0) Product Family Centers On User Experience |
Scottsdale, Ariz. August 12, 2008 - Sage CRM Solutions, part of the Sage Group plc, today announced availability of the new ACT! by Sage 2009 (11.0) contact and customer management product family consisting of ACT! by Sage 2009 (11.0), ACT! by Sage Premium 2009 (11.0), and ACT! by Sage Premium for Web 2009 (11.0). For more information, see this Press Release
Availability outside of North America is expected about 4 weeks later |
June, 2008 - GL Computing Blog and Mike's LinkedIn Profile |
Mike Lazarus has decided to test his hand at writing a
blog for ACT! users.
Have a read and subscribe to be kept up-to-date and feel free to add any comments.
For more
detailed information on Mike Lazarus, view his
LinkedIn profile
or follow the GL Computing Twitter |
May, 2008 - Multiple Contacts support with Handheld Contact for BlackBerry |
The latest release of Handheld Contact for BlackBerry now supports multiple contacts, just like ACT!. This valuable new feature enables users to view and edit multiple contacts associated with their ACT! Activity, Note, and History items. Activities, Notes and History items can be created with contacts from your ACT! Contact list right on your BlackBerry. Emails can be sent to anyone in your ACT! contact list and automatically recorded as an ACT! History item.
To take advantage of the new features, download the new HHC Computer Application from our Download page and point your Blackberry to www.HandheldContact.com/ota |
April, 2008 - itImport.Net - new versions. |
New versions of itImport.Net have been released:
Basic and standard, with a reduced feature set at a more economical price and a Pro version which now includes the ability to import directly from SQL and Access databases.
From more information, see the itImport page |
December, 2007 - GLComputing - First Experts-Exchange ACT! Master |
GL Computing has
been supporting ACT! users in many on-line web sites for many years. One of
those sites awarded GL Computing its first ever
Certificate in their
Zone |
July, 2007 - MergeMaster! for ACT! by Sage Released |
GL Computing has released MergeMaster! for ACT! by Sage versions 7.0 and later
MergeMaster! provides powerful merged emails, faxes and SMS capabilities for ACT! users. It can include ACT! Company fields and Contact fields in the same merge, provides full Opt-In/Opt-Out functionality and tracking, and adds sophisticated reporting, so you know who received your communications.
For more information, please go to the MergeMaster! Page |
July, 2007 - New versions of Handheld Contact available fron Sage in Aust/NZ |
GL Computing and Sage Business Solutions have announced the availability of Handheld Contact v1.0 for Mobile Windows devices and the users of ACT! by Sage, giving mobile professionals greater access to vital information about their clients and customers while on the road.
GL Computing and Sage Business Solutions have also released the latest version of Handheld Contact v2.0 for the BlackBerry.
To cement the deal, Sage have announced a range of special bundles for users who purchase Handheld Contact at the same time as a new or upgrade license of ACT! 9.0 Standard, Worgroups or Web.
To see the full Press Release, Click Here or on the Sage site
June, 2007 - Maximize your Sales Productivity on the road with ACT! and your BlackBerry |
Get Anywhere-Anytime* updates to your contacts, calendar and client notes/histories. Learn how with ACT! and your BlackBerry smartphone Webcast.
ACT! and BlackBerry have joined forces to bring you easy access to ACT! on your BlackBerry smartphone making you even more productive with managing your contacts, customers and schedule while you are in the field. You are always up to date and organized!
With ACT! and Handheld Contact on your BlackBerry you can access your key contacts and customer data right from your smartphone - it is like taking your office with you!
Have a look at the recorded Webinar by RIM and Sage at The Blackberry Resource Centre |
June, 2007 - Previous version stock clearence |
GL Computing has some limited stock of ACT! 6.0 (6-Packs only) and ACT! 8.0 (singles and 6-packs) ex-stock. That we can supply at a significant discount (even cheaper if purchased with an add-on). The first 10 orders for the ACT! 8.0 products will also get a free Quick Study Guide. Interested parties should contact GL Computing for pricing and availability. |
May, 2007 - GL Computing signs sub-distribution agreement with Sage |
Sage today, signed an agreement to sub-distribute, market, promote and sell Handheld Contact for the Blackberry and Mobile Windows devices in-conjunction with GL Computing. This agreement will include the ability for resellers and end-users in Australia and New Zealand to purchase bundles of ACT! and Handheld Contact for a significantly reduced price. Contact your ACT! reseller or GL Computing for more information. |
April, 2007 - It was 20 years ago today... |
It was April 1987 when Conductor Software (later Contact Software International) released ACT! to the market. It was later in the year when PC Extras brought the product into Australia with Mike Lazarus (founder of GL Computing) as the Product Manager. Happy 20th Birthday, ACT! |
September, 2006 - Handheld Contact for the new ACT! by Sage 2007 (9.0) |
J2X Technologies Inc, a leading developer of mobile business productivity solutions for BlackBerry and other handheld devices, today announced that Handheld Contact supports the new ACT! by Sage 2007 (9.0) contact and customer management product family from Sage Software. The solution allows users to access and manage their complete ACT! databases remotely using wireless synchronization and one-click drop-down menus that simplify data entry and editing and automate sales management tasks for on-the-go professionals.
Handheld Contact is the only service that enables two-way, wireless syncing of contact and customer data between a user's ACT! 2007 desktop software and BlackBerry device. |
September, 2006 - CRMAddon.com picks GL Computing |
CRMAddon.com has chosen GL Computing as exclusive distributor in Asia Pacific for it's range of add-on products for ACT! versions 7,8 and 9. These include a TAPI and Skype link for ACT! users to enhance their phone communications and a powerful importer that can bring Excel data into every table in ACT!. More products to be availble soon. |
August, 2005 - Sage announces Handheld Contact to put ACT! on your Blackberry |
Sage ACT have announced, together with GL Computing, the arrival of Handheld Contact in Asia Pacific. Handheld Contact puts your favourite features onto your Blackberry device and syncronises them wirelessly while you are on the road. To see the media release, click here. |
June, 2005 - Handheld Contact now puts ACT! 7 on your Blackberry |
Handheld Contact, ACT! on your Blackberry, is now available for ACT! 7 (ACT! 2005) users. Have your ACT! data sync wirelessly to your Blackberry device - no cradle sync! This is a free upgrade for ACT! 6 users who upgrade their ACT! database to the new version. Blackberry users can download a 14-day trial from here |
May, 2005 - Sage Software in Australia |
Sage Software, a worldwide company, and owner of the ACT! product is finally combining all their products under the Sage brand. Sage Software is set to make a significant impact on the Australian and Asia Pacific markets. The $6 billion power house already has in excess of 4.4 million customers worldwide and more than 100 products. In Asia Pacific, the organisation will be known as "Sage ACT".
GL Computing looks forward to the added resources this will add to development and marketing to benefit ACT! customers all over the world! |
September, 2004 - ACT! 7 Launched in Asia Pacifc |
ACT! 7.0 (called ACT! 2005 in North America) had the wraps taken off today for the Asia Pacific market in an exciting session at the Sydney Masonic Centre. For the first time, ACT! is available in two editions: 7.0 Standard (for one to nine users), and 7.0 for Workgroups (10 or more users). Both have been written on Microsoft's SQL Server 2000 database platform, in contrast to earlier versions of the software, which were grafted on FoxPro. GL Computing was there demonstrating the Handheld Contact link to the Blackberry which will soon be available for ACT! 7.0 |